Monday, 16 March 2009

A chance encounter

Ah my, for a bottle of Andrew's Elexir! A day of croquet has left my bones aching terrible...

Nearly suffered acute embarrasment when an old schoolpal of Bertie's came to visit Bertram Towers. Something about the fellow tweaked a memory, and three games in I was still racking my crumbling brains for the source.

It was as I was running a hoop that I hit on it - the idea that is - and I damn-well nearly slipped a-cookoo!

I recognised the chap from a house of ill-repute in Marylebone. Fortunately for me, his eyes had been obscured with a tie fashioned from thick slices of ham and gathered behind his head. Once having recalled this, I revelled in a smug safeness, full knowing that unless I started barking like a dog, the man would be none the wiser of our previous encounter. He did, however, turn a little glazed when I suggested we dine on a platter of cold meats for supper.

But such thoughts churn around and bar me from sleep! Think I may take this grey pill handed to my with such gravity by Bertie...

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