Saturday, 4 April 2009

A return to London - and plans are made

Ah, how happy I am to return to my London, friends. The smoking chimney stacks! The gin palaces and chophouses! And my Marylebone abode - mine some 15 years - remains an idyll of calm in these dark streets.

The ghost of my poor dead bride continues to walk the rooms of this house. And yet I am becoming more at ease with these encounters, often calling out a shrill "halloo" when I glimpse her feathered hind-quarters.

Since issuing my monetary demands to the obscene Bertie, I am glad to say he has given in with little struggle. Having seen at first hand my tenacity as we fought our way through the Marabalana sweatlands, he clearly knew there was no point. The first installment of £25 4s 5d arrived by discreet delivery boy this morning.

And so a plan forms in my mind to go forth once more and explore new lands. If I can raise more money by further blackmail - another three victims would be ideal - I shall be able to comfortable sally forth in three months, replete with map, photographic equipment and sundries.

Further consideration of my direction is of course required - the Phallic elaphant-towers? The gasflats to the east of Marrrrrrrrrrrfle? Or the pretty isles of Sebadoh? Decisions!

Before that, I plan to hone my scientific skills here in London with a series of "urban expeditions". And a delivery shall be arriving here tomorrow to aide these investigations...

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